Saturday, June 21, 2014

The final entry

Where have I been these last 11 months? It has been a journey of trusting and waiting; a journey of trials and patience, but mostly a journey of hope. I had intended to blog about myself and my journey through my 59th year of life. You know, getting ready for the BIG SIX-O!! But shortly before I started my blog my husband's cancer returned and he had surgery to remove some melanoma spots. A few weeks after the surgery the spots returned, and then more and more spots appeared on his upper right arm area. He had just finished a year long Interferon treatment at the end of May, but a few weeks later the melanoma returned. Just a few small spots on the original site, but spots none the less. Surgery was scheduled for mid July to remove the spots. A week later the spots returned, right after my 59th birthday. I could as have cared less about blogging my way through my 59th year. My entire life and world were focused on Grant, and supporting him through his battle with melanoma. And it was and continues to be a battle. So I am bringing closure to my attempt to share my life through 59! 60 is right around the corner and it is what it is! We have been blessed through this entire journey with melanoma. I don't wish it on anyone, but the blessings are abundant, and the miracle is that after three and a half years of fighting this disease the melanoma remains on his skin and has not metastisized to his vital organs. The docs say Grant is "unique". I choose to think he is a walking miracle! 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

59 and counting! Day 2

59 and counting-Day 2. Should I feel differently than I felt the day before my birthday? I guess I was waiting for something profound to hit me. Getting older is not the same as feeling older. I am still in my 50's, so technically, I am not "old", right? Over the hill, and on the way down the other side of the mountain, is more like it. There needs to be joy and happiness as I ride it down the other side. I am not afraid of getting older. What concerns me is am I using the time I have on this earth wisely? Am I making the world a better place, and giving of myself to help others? Shouldn't that be my priority?
 What do you think?
I see people beating themselves up everyday to get ahead, to have to the most in life-new home, great car, beautiful clothes and jewelry-possessions! Things! We fill our homes full of stuff-things, use them for awhile, and then sell them in a GARAGE SALE!! Go figure!
Two expressions come to mind right now. Expressions we say at times when we are frustrated or upset. Have you ever said,"What on earth are you doing?" or "For heaven's sake!" Well, put those two expressions together and see what you get.
"What on earth are you doing for heaven's sake?"
It totally changes the meaning doesn't it. So, my question to you today is, "what on earth are YOU doing for heaven's sake?" What are you doing to make the world a better place?
Do you look for ways to help others? Stretch out of your comfort zone to give of yourself. Maybe a phone call or email to an elderly friend or neighbor, a plate of freshly baked cookies to a sick friend, or a new neighbor. Community outreach program, a run/walk for a good cause? Reach, stretch, and grow beyond yourself. There should be joy in your journey everyday. Serving God by serving others. What on earth are you doing for heaven's sake?

Saturday, July 13, 2013

There's always got to be a beginning, right?

This will be short for now. I am going to be 59 on July 23rd. 59! Now, you might think that would be freaking me out, but I am fine. Really! Just fine. I am not sure what I thought turning 59 would feel like, but as for me right now, it feels ok. I am in great health, well, good health. Could stand to lose weight and exercise, but that will come. It has in the past, and will again.
So, with that said, I thought I would like to blog my thoughts about making my way through my 59th year of life. The highs, lows, crazies, and the ever-present "internal bitch" that escapes occassionally and walks right next to me on a velvet leash, will all be revealed.
I will say it," I am a princess!" The youngest girl of older brothers. I was told all of my life that my mother had to wait until she was forty to finally get "her girl". I was not spoiled. Really, I wasn't. Just really made to feel special in everyway. Call it what you will, but I did not get everything I wanted. But, life has been easy for me. Maybe too easy, if that is possible.
Enough for now. Here's a question for you. If you had one thing in your life to do over, change, rearrange, would you? jb